

Building Writing Skills & Community

Carol Teal

Writer, Facilitator & Songwriter

 Hi, I’m Carol

I’m a writer, a writing facilitator, a book coach, and an award-winning songwriter.
I help other writers discover and expand their own authentic voices and build their creative writing skills with workshops based in the Amherst Writers and Artists method. I am an Author Accelerator certified book coach. I help writers shepherd their book ideas into reality and make them the best they can be.
What I love most about my work is the joy of writing in community, the friendships forged and connections created. Your writing skills will grow as the other writers and I share supportive feedback on what was strong and working in your writing.

I love hearing the unique voice of each writer and witnessing the compelling stories that emerge through courage and craft in group workshops.

As a writing coach, I can help you tell the story only you can tell with passion, truth, and delight.

Expand your writing skills in an inspiring community of writers. 

Join us in a group workshop or work with me as your book coach

You know when you’ve found a place where you belong. 

In writing community,


I love creative writing. It’s been a passion for me for most of my life starting with poetry and songwriting but I didn’t always identify as a writer…     ABOUT CAROL…

“Carol is a skilled and compassionate workshop leader. She brings the creativity from her many genres as an artist to her leading of workshops with joy and humility, and to her own, skilled, well-crafted writing. Write with Carol and be inspired! “

Sue Reynolds

Inkslingers & Go For Words