Book Coaching Services

What Does a Book Coach Do?

That depends on where you are in your project and what you need. 

A book coach can help you from the very beginning of an idea for your book, or in the messy middle where you might lose your way, or tying up the loose ends for a satisfying conclusion. A coach can also help you clarify your publishing goals, write a query letter and find agents or publishers suitable for your work. 

This is 1:1 coaching. All packages can be tailored to your specific needs for support and your timelines. Because of the intensive and personal style of this coaching I only work with a few writers at a time.


1) The Blueprint Package

When you’re starting a new project the Blueprint package is perfect to get you going in the right direction and develop a road map that will help you write your entire book. Although you could get from Toronto to Arizona by just driving in the general direction, it will save you tons of time and frustration if you choose to use a map and plan your route. The Blueprint is the map for your book.

Your memoir is a big project.  The Blueprint process will get you organized, define the scope of your book, help you find the point of your story, and show you how to engage readers to keep turning pages.


We will explore your ‘why’, the reasons you’re writing this book, who you’re writing it for and best way to tell it.  You’ll define the journey of transformation you experienced in your life, how you changed, what you learned, and what you want the reader to take away from reading it.

We’ll use these weeks to build a strong outline that will guide your narrative. You’ll construct the flow of the story, the narrative drive, and take the reader on a transformational journey. You’ll learn how to keep the reader in mind throughout of the story so they’ll stay with you for the whole ride. When you’re finished, you’ll have a document that will save tons of time while you’re writing because you’ll know exactly what to write next in your story and how it will impact the reader.

The Blueprint document will walk you through all this and I will give you written feedback on every part of your Blueprint as well as discussing it on Zoom calls at 2-week intervals which will:

  • help you stay on track and get work done                    define why you are writing your story
  • provide accountability and deadlines                           discuss your progress, brainstorm ideas
  • coach you on any problems or questions                      provide support and encouragement
  • find your point                                                              structure your story
  • ensure your story is the best you can make it

   Time to completion: 4–8 weeks

    $1500 US per month

2) Book Coaching as You Write

Ongoing support and feedback to inspire your best writing and continually improve your technique.  You submit up to 5,000 words (20 pages) at each deadline, (usually every two weeks). I provide specific written notes and suggestions on the manuscript pages, keep you on track for your goal deadline, and help you level up your writing with continual learning. We have a one-hour zoom call to discuss your work after each deadline. As you incorporate the feedback your skills increase resulting in ongoing improvement with each successive deadline. Plus your book becomes a reality.

Monthly, with 2 deadlines & 2 coaching calls per month

$1500 US per month

3) Manuscript Evaluation

  Some writers come with a completed or nearly completed first draft of their manuscript and are looking for a professional read before moving further on their path to publishing.

In a manuscript assessment I look at the tension, pacing, characters, and scenes of your story. I evaluate the book’s structure, narrative drive and impact for the reader. 

I will write comments throughout your manuscript and provide a detailed editorial letter with specific steps to improve the writing. After you’ve had time to read and digest the feedback we will schedule a Zoom call to discuss and clarify suggested next steps.

Turnaround: 4 weeks

Evaluation, Feedback, and Discussion    50,000 words    $2,000 US

4) Paths to Publishing

This service provides an overview of the various paths to publish whether you are considering traditional publishers, hybrid publishing or self-publishing.

If you are interested in getting an agent to represent you to traditional publishers, I can assist with your search for an agent that will be a good match for your book.

I can provide the structure for your query letter and feedback on your letter to improve your possibilities of signing with the right agent or publisher to find appropriate representation for  your book.

A custom sourced list of 10 literary agents who might be a good match for your book can be included if desired. This list is based on your comp titles and the agents’ wish lists, and includes submission guidelines and advice on how you can personalize your query letter to each one. 

Includes written feedback on your query letter and two Zoom feedback sessions for discussion of a  pitch strategy and a review of your query letter after a revision.  $800 USD

“I wasn’t sure what a book coach was, but I was close to ’finishing’ my manuscript and simultaneously completely confounded. Today I’m ready to look at publishers.  Carol Teal as my book coach provided me the guidance, information and tools I didn’t know existed or needed. I wouldn’t have finished without her coaching.”

 Nancy Jewett 

 Author of: At Hand and Chaos, My Family’s Story Growing Into and Out Of Chaos

“This was a life-changing experience. Carol leads a group with just the right amount of structure. The writing prompts and sharing give one a glimpse into how others perceive their lives. We see how much we have in common- very supportive. It’s thought provoking and helps one decide how to write one’s own story.”   John E.

“Carol is a very skilled and compassionate facilitator of the AWA method; and I have been writing with her for over a year. Her group sessions have provided me with a well spring of inspiration and a safe sharing space. She is resourceful at finding and designed a wide range of writing prompts that take into account the interests and aspirations of her group members. She begins her writing sessions with a short, guided, meditation that I have come to rely upon as it is an excellent way to calm, and open one’s mind before picking up a pen. Carol is a builder of writing communities. And this is a tremendously valuable gift for any writer; because we can’t do it all alone.”   Anne S.


“Carol Teal’s virtual creative writing group has been the highlight of my life during this challenging time. Our weekly meetings offer imaginative stimulation and a warm, supportive venue for discussing our work. Carol is a wonderful Muse.”   Marilyn Skinner